At Ryder, we strive to integrate corporate responsibility and sustainability into every aspect of our business, and understand that sustainability goes hand-in-hand with maintaining economic viability. In a rapidly evolving world, sustainability continues to have a positive correlation with improved cost of capital, financial performance, and operational efficiencies.

Our commitment to sustainability supports our mission to provide safe, reliable, and efficient innovative fleet management and supply chain solutions that enable our customers to deliver on their promises. Not only do we innovate to ensure our products and services are relevant to customers and profitable to our shareholders, we also take the time to understand customer wants and needs, and the demands of our operating markets in order to offer products and services that positively impact our stakeholders and the environment. Embedded in our sustainability strategy, we are selective in hiring and maintaining a skilled and dedicated workforce to uphold safety and drive innovation.

We also aim to operate efficiently, carefully managing costs to drive profitability while considering the environmental impacts associated with our investments. By ensuring long-term viability as a profitable and thriving business, we are better positioned to make an impact where our business and operations intersect with our communities and stakeholders. This report highlights our key areas for impact and our goals to continuously improve over time.

2019 and 2020 $15B total revenues generated
Nearly 40000 jobs provided
Scope 1 & 2 10% emissions reduction since 2017
800 communities supported
donated by Ryder $5.5M to charitable organizations
over 4000 volunteer hours by employees

Over the past few years, we have matured our efforts and increased our focus on sustainability across our value chain, and in 2020, we developed a framework to drive impact on the sustainability issues we deem material to our long-term success.

Our principles and goals reflect our continued commitment to sustainability and illustrate the strategic priorities of our business. These principles and goals are supported and overseen by the Corporate Governance and Nominating Committee of the Board of Directors (Governance Committee). Read more about how we manage sustainability across the business in Governance.

Protecting our Planet

Safeguarding People

Fostering Talent, Diversity, and Equality

Transforming our Communities

Upholding Ethics and Integrity
We safeguard our environment through continuous innovation of our services, technology, and operations. Our highest priority is the safety of our employees, customers, and the public. We are committed to developing a highly skilled and diverse workforce as it is the foundation of our success. Our Ryder family donates time, talent, and money to improve local communities where we live and work. Ethics and integrity
play a crucial role in helping us make a positive impact on the world around us.
Actions & Related Topics
We strive to protect our planet by reducing emissions along our value chain by optimizing efficiency with advanced technology and flexible transportation.


To enhance safety, we provide best in class training, practices, and technology. We perform inspections, track performance, and implement feedback to protect our employees, as well as the individuals sharing the roadways with us.


We develop our talent by providing a collaborative and inclusive work environment that embraces diversity and innovation.


Our charitable contributions and volunteer efforts promote positive impacts and investments within our communities.


Through business development and stakeholder engagement, we remain committed to operating with the highest integrity and fostering a culture of transparency.


Read more:
Environmental Stewardship
Fleet Energy & Emissions
Evolving Marketplace
Customer Focus
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Our People
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Building Stronger Communities
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Ethics & Integrity
Customer Focus
  • Reduce Ryder fleet emissions 10%, building emissions by 30%, and downstream leased equipment emissions 15% below 2018 baseline by 2024.
  • Evaluate potential renewable energy usage strategies and the use of science-based targets for inclusion in the Company’s next 10-year emissions reduction strategy commencing in 2024.
  • Train 10% of Ryder technicians to maintain and support alternative fuel vehicles over the next five years.
  • Achieve at least a 10% reduction in vehicle accident and injury frequency within five years as measured by OSHA’s recordable injury rate and vehicle accidents per million miles.
  • Achieve 15% improvement in driver training effectiveness over five years as measured by Ryder’s in- vehicle video event recorders.
  • Develop and engage top-quality talent by ensuring that at least 90% of key talent has completed a leadership development activity over the next three years.
  • Provide leadership development for all Black and women leaders through the Black Leadership Forum and Ryder’s Women Leadership to accelerate professional growth opportunities to advance Ryder’s success.
  • Invest 10% of the Ryder Charitable Foundation’s budget by 2022 for specific initiatives to expand equality and diversity for the Black community.
  • Award 75 partial scholarships per year for women and minority students by 2025.
  • 100% of employees will complete a compliance and ethics training each year.
  • Require 100% of employees to review and agree to abide by our Principles of Business Conduct.

Sustainability Strategy

  • 102-2 Activities, brands, products, and services
  • 102-3 Location of headquarters
  • 102-4 Location of operations
  • 102-5 Ownership and legal form
  • 102-6 Markets served
  • 102-7 Scale of the organization
  • 102-8 Information on employees and other workers
  • 102-9 Supply chain
  • 102-12 External initiatives
  • 102-13 Membership of associations
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